Y1/2 Moonflower
We hope you have all had a lovely couple of weeks off during the Easter holidays and are looking forward to what the next few weeks brings... it is a busy one!
We would like to remind you of the staff that will be working with your child this term in Team Moonflower and Team Sunflower. Staff will be continuing to work across both classes and even more closely with the Beehive and the Honeycomb to ensure that every child accesses the curriculum at their level.
Mrs Page - Moonflower Class Teacher and KS1 Lead |
Miss Warrington - Sunflower Class Teacher (Mon & Tues) |
Mrs Kelly (Mrs K) - Sunflower Class Teacher (Wed-Fri) |
Mrs Gallagher - Teacher |
Miss Kelly - Teaching Assistant |
Ms Pembleton - Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Straw - Teaching Assistant |
Miss Street - Teaching Assistant |
Miss Kimbley - Teaching Assistant |
Miss Boyle - Teaching Assistant |
Our Summer term topic is Crawl, Wriggle, Squirm...
We will be focusing on Science and finding out facts about a range of animals including birds, insects, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish. We will be learning about the different habitats where they live and locate this around the world.
We will also be taking a closer look at plants and conduct our own investigations into what they need to survive.
Please take a look at our Knowledge Organiser below for more details.
We will be looking at the work of Sir David Attenborough throughout the term to share his experiences and find out what we can do to look after our planet.
Alongside this, in Art we will take a closer look at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and his pieces of land art to inspire us to create our own. In computing we will be creating our own 'stop, go' animations and we will be using a range of levers and pulleys to create moving puppets in DT.
We will also be covering lots of other celebrations and events like Passover and Vessak and it is our turn to work with the amazing Adam Pepper who will be working with us to create our very own film.
In Team Moonflower we ask that your child brings their book bags every day and we will be changing their book every Wednesday.
We will be spending time with every child throughout the week to share a book and help them to use their phonics and read with confidence at their level.
As most of you are aware, we moved away from reading diaries last year to record a child’s reading at home and we are continuing to use the app called Boom Reader which also allows children to collect gems for their teams. If you need any help with this please let us know.
Team Moonflower have PE on a Monday and Friday.
Please send your child in their normal school uniform on these days and we will be getting them changedduring the afternoon for their P.E. Lesson.
We would like the children to be suitably dresses for P.E. so your child will need:
- A plain t-shirt (not a football top or own with slogans on)
- Plain jogging bottoms or shorts.
- Trainers or plimsoles.
If your child brings their P.E. in a bag, this can stay in their lockers for this term and we will ensure it gets sent home at the end of the term to be washed.
Please don't worry about any of the above, we do have some spares in school available if any child needs it.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our RECOGNITION STAR winners this term!
8&9.5.24 We have been planting sunflowers with Miss Drew! We are looking forward to watching them grow and we will make sure we look after them this term.
3.5.24 We have been very luck to have Emily from Rattle and Roll join us every Friday to teach us music. Friday we had the instruments out and had lots of fun!
2.5.24 To help us answer the question 'What is a biologist?' we have been learning about the work that Sir David Attenborough has done throughout his career. It has been so much fun learning about the amazing work he does, how he does it and why he does. We spent some time asking questions, watching clips of his documentaries and imagining that we are him by exploring our own surroundings.
30.4 & 1.5.24 We loved creating our own land art last week that we continued to use the skills and techniques we learnt to create our own mini nature sculptures.
23-26.4.24 After spending all last week finding out and reflecting on the works of Andy Goldsworthy, we wanted to have a go ourselves. He inspired us to create our own land art using objects we found in our own school grounds.
18.4.24 We have been taking a closer look at the environment around us and practiced using our observational skills to draw objects we found outside.
15.4.24 In PE we are learning new ways of moving to create animal dances. This week's animal was a giraffe!
25.3.24 PE was so much fun! We put all of the skills we have been learning together to use the big equipment safely!
19.3.24 We spent the week finishing off our work on New Zealand by doing art. We used the landscape paintings by Raewyn Harris to inspire us to create our own paintings using different sized brushes and lots of colour!
18.3.24 We love food! We spent the whole morning doing Design and Technology and using all of the skills we have been practising to make our own Raita dip. It was delicious!
12.3.24 We know that we are going to be making our own dips soon, so we have been practising using a variety of kitchen utensils.
11.3.24 Throughout school, we found out about Ramadan and what fasting is. We did a variety activities including food tasting and although some of the food was different it was yummy!
12.3.24 During Science week we took part in lots of different experiments and investigations. We started with taking part in lots of challenges using time. We were really good at predicting how long it would take us to do different activities!
13.3.24 We joined Team Sunflower for our cloud experiment. Mrs K showed us how clouds work and we learnt where rain comes from.
14.3.24 We finished Science Week by doing a biscuit experiment. Mrs Page asked us to predict which biscuit would be dunked into water the most times before breaking. She then did the experiment and we were right! :)
22.2.24 We were fortunate to welcome Rebecca Green into school. She is a Kayaking Paralympian and she visited us to explain what it takes to compete at a high level and we joined her in a fitness session! THANK YOU so much to everyone who helped with her sponsorship and we wish her all the best for her future competitions.
20.2.24 We took 10 Year 2 children to a Cricket Festival at Ellis Guilford. It was fantastic fun and we had 10 very tired children afterwards!
20.2.24 What does it take to be an explorer? The children will be answering this question in our next writing topic so we launched this by joining Moana on her adventure and working in groups to discuss what happened to her along the way.
7.2.24 We have been taking a closer look at the UK. We have found out that it is made up of four countries and we enjoyed making mini bunting to represent these countries. We also loved singing along to the below video too!
6.2.24 It's SAFER INTERNET DAY so we took some time to lok at what we could do to stay stay when using the internet.
5.2.24 PE was amazing today! We practiced climbing on equipement and jumping off safely. Some of the benches were really high but we all had a go!
29.1.24 We started a new writing topic this week and to launch it we travelled to Neverland like Peter Pan to see what it was like. Through drama we visited lots of different places following a map and used our amazing words to describe what we could see, hear, smell and feel.
26.1.24 We were lucky to have a Street Dance session with Darcie. It was great fun but hard work learning all of the moves!
26.1.24 We ended our week learning about Robin Hood by making ourselves some origami Robin Hood hats in Time to Shine!
16.1.24 We used everyone's postcodes to find our house on Google Earth. It was great fun and we found out that some of us live very close to each other!
15.1.24 Coach is back and so are all the Year 1's back together again! This term we are learning to jump and land safely which was easier said than done!
15.1.23 To introduce our topic we took a closer look at our school. We used maps to direct us around the building and find places we have never been to before.
12.1.24 We created our own poem about rain and thunder today and had lots of fun listening to another poem written by Andrew Fusek-Peters inspired by rain.
11.1.24 This term we are going to be recording different types of weather so we have created our onw Weather Station with Mr Wright's help.
9.1.24 We started looking at weather by creating pieces of wethaer symbols artwork for display.
CONGRATULATIONS to our RECOGNITION STAR winners this term! You have gone above and beyond and been spotted by an adult. WELL DONE!
11.12.23 The Elves have arrived!
8.12.23 In preparation for the 10 days of Christmas to start we spent the afternoon making decorations for the hall!
6.12.23 We walked to Bulwell Forest Gardens and visted their Winter Wonderland. It was a very cold but magical morning. THANK YOU to everyone who helped us out and joined us for the morning!
4.12.23 During PE this week we had a go at hitting a ball with a bat. It was not easy but we had lots of fun trying!
4.12.23 We were inspired by the snow we had over the weekend and watched The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. We then had a go at reinacting scenes from the story and writing our own words to go with our favourite scenes.
1.12.23 In Music we have been learning about different percussion instruments. Today we had a go at drums and it was great fun. We used different parts of our hands to make different sounds and followed a beat.
29 & 30.11.23 Our Indi cars are amazing! It has been so much fun exploring different ways to make them move and then planning our own routes for the little car to go!
20.11.23 We raised money and awareness for both Children in Need and Anti-Bullying week by dressing in SPOTS and SOCKS! We did lots of actitives throughout the day and had lots of 'spotty and oddy' fun!
15 & 16.11.23 As part of our Art this week we have been experimenting with using different materials to draw portraits. We used charcoal and pastels and copied Picasso's style to draw a portrait of our friends.
13.11.23 Every Monday we have Coach who comes and takes us for PE. He has been teaching us how to be safe when moving around the hall and how to bounce a ball with control and accuracy.
6-13.11.23 All week we have been learning about the Hindu and Sikh celebration of Diwali. We are very lucky to have Diyaa in Team Moonflower who has taught us lots of facts about what her family do to prpare, how they get their house ready and what they eat! We have had so much much learning from her and joining in the celebratiosn with her at school.
We made Diva Lamps to decorate the hall.
We had a go at creating our own Mehndi patterns.
10.11.23 We took part in our own Remembrance Day service on Friday. We used the Poppy Day animation to learn more about what it is like during a war and why it is important to remember and say thank you to the soldiers who lost their lives to protect us. We took part in a 1 minutes silence and then created our own poppy field in the classroom!
CBeebies | Poppies animation
10.11.23 We were inspired by Picasso's style of painting that we had a go at creating our own Picasso poppy fields!
7.11.23 We were introduced to the artist Pablo Picasso and we had a go at copying some of his paintings.
20.10.23 Halloween came to Springfield for the day! We dressed up, performed our own version of the Boneyard Rap by Wes Magee and created our own skeleton art by squashing, bneding and twisting paper straws. We have a great last day of term!
Skeleton artwork using paper straws.
19.10.23 We have had so much exploring the different properties of materials that we investigated how we can change the shape of some materials and shared our findings with our friends.
WB 16.10.23 This week we have been prediting, planning and evaluating our own science experiemnt to find out what material would be best to use to make an umbrella. We worked together as a class and found out that plastic and metal were best!
12.10.23 Our story at the moment is Traction Man by Mini Grey and we love it! We have been predicting what will happen next all week and shared our favourite parts of the story with our friends!
Traction Man is Here!
12.10.23 We have started learning about materials in Science this week and we took a closer look at their properties. We explored different materials that are all around us and shared with each other what properties each object had. We spent the whole afternoon doing it and we learnt some new words like transparent and opaque.
9.3.23 We have loved having coach in on a Monday! He has been helping us improve our invasion game skills which has been fun but also very tiring!
5.10.23 We dressed in our pyjamas for Goose Fair! Throughout the day we did lots of activities linked to comparing Goose Fair now and in the past. We talked about the similarities and differences from photos, paintings and our own experiences, we wrote sentences in Phonics and used some new drawing skills to copy images of Goose Fair from the past and now. It was a busy but great day!
2.10.23 It's Brain Day! We introduced the important job our brains do and then explored different ways to keep it healthy. We learnt lots and realised that our brains control everything we do! AMAZING!
25.9.23 We are getting really good at describing the features of some toys so spent the afternoon comparing the similarities and differences between new and old toys. We still had lots of fun playing with them all!
22.9.23 We had our first Time to Shine and although it got cut short because of the rain we still had lots of learning some new skills with hula hoops and some outdoor games.
21.9.23 Our word this week has been ARTEFACT and we spent some time investigating an old swing ball set and it was clear that it definitely had a smell!
19.9.23 We had so much fun time travelling yesterday we decided we wanted to build our own time machine! We have been inspired by Andy's Prehistoric Adventures on CBBC's and made our own Grandfather clock!
18.9.23 It was time to find out what our new Topic is this half term so we joined with Team Sunflower and spent the morning in the hall finding out more about toys and time travelling back in time to see if our favourite toys were there. We then continued in the afternoon and looked at a selection of non-fiction books to find out more.
18.9.23 We have coach for PE on a Monday and he has been teaching us new skills in invasion games! We love it!
WB 4.9.23 We had a very busy week learning new routines, rules and finding out more about Team Moonflower. Here are our Moonflower chalk pictures we made for our classroom.
We then had a go at making 3D flowers from baking paper and pipe cleaners. It was really hard but they look fantastic!
We have been learning about our new Zones of Regulations and we had messy fun with plasticine making different emotions on faces.