Y1/2 Sunflower
Welcome to Team Sunflower!
We hope you have all had a lovely couple of weeks off during the Easter holidays and are looking forward to what the next few weeks brings... it is a busy one!
KS1 Staff
We would like to remind you of the staff that will be working with your child this term in Team Moonflower and Team Sunflower. Staff will be continuing to work across both classes and even more closely with the Beehive and the Honeycomb to ensure that every child accesses the curriculum at their level.
Mrs Page- Moonflower Class Teacher and KS1 Lead |
Miss Warrington- Sunflower ClassTeacher (Mon-Tues) |
Mrs Kelly (Mrs K)- Sunflower Class Teacher (Wed-Fri) |
Mrs Gallagher- Teacher |
Ms Pembleton- Teaching Assistant |
Miss Kelly- Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Straw- Teaching Assistant |
Miss Street- Teaching Assistant |
Miss Kimberly- Teaching Assistant |
Miss Boyle- Teaching Assistant |
Topic Learning
Our Summer term topic is Crawl, Wriggle, Squirm...
We will be focusing on Science and finding out facts about a range of animals including birds, insects, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish. We will be learning about the different habitats where they live and locate this around the world.
We will also be taking a closer look at plants and conduct our own investigations into what they need to survive.
Please take a look at our Knowledge Organiser below for more details.
We will be looking at the work of Sir David Attenborough throughout the term to share his experiences and find out what we can do to look after our planet.
Alongside this, in Art we will take a closer look at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and his pieces of land art to inspire us to create our own. In computing we will be creating our own 'stop, go' animations and we will be using a range of levers and pulleys to create moving puppets in DT.
We will also be covering lots of other celebrations and events like Passover and Vessak and it is our turn to work with the amazing Adam Pepper who will be working with us to create our very own film.
Knowledge Organiser
Our Knowledge Organiser
Team Sunflower have PE on a
Monday and Friday.
Please send your child in their normal school uniform on these days and we will be getting them changed during the afternoon for their P.E. Lesson.
We would like the children to be suitably dresses for P.E. so your child will need:
- A plain t-shirt (not a football top or own with slogans on)
- Plain jogging bottoms or shorts.
- Trainers or plimsoles.
If your child brings their P.E. in a bag, this can stay in their lockers for this term and we will ensure it gets sent home at the end of the term to be washed.
Please don't worry about any of the above, we do have some spares in school available if any child needs it.
In Team Sunflower we ask that your child brings their book bags every day and we will be changing their book every Wednesday.
We will be spending time with every child throughout the week to share a book and help them to use their phonics and read with confidence at their level.
As most of you are aware, we moved away from reading diaries last year to record a child’s reading at home and we are continuing to use the app called Boom Reader which also allows children to collect gems for their teams. If you need any help with this please let us know.
Physical Education
PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
Please send your children to school wearing their PE kit, including trainers.
A letter will be coming out soon regarding expectations for PE uniform.
We had a great day working with Mr Pepper to make our very own films using a green screen. We looked at the films like 'Honey I shrunk the Kids!' for inspiration and we can't wait to see the finished film!
What amazing Biologists you are! We explored nature just like David Attenborough!
Our Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Nature Art!
Easter celebrations!
25.3.24 PE was so much fun! We put all of the skills we have been learning together to use the big equipment safely!
Red Nose Day 2024
World Book Day 2024
Visit from Rebekah Green- Team GB Freestyle Kayaker
20.2.24 We took 10 Year 2 children to a Cricket Festival at Ellis Guilford. It was fantastic fun and we had 10 very tired children afterwards!
20.2.24 What does it take to be an explorer? The children will be answering this question in our next writing topic so we launched this by joining Moana on her adventure and working in groups to discuss what happened to her along the way.
Mental Health Week- Your Voice Matters!
Street Dance Workshop!
Topic Launch!