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The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our GEOGRAPHY curriculum:

Our Approach (Intent)

At Springfield Primary Academy, we want every child to be happy and enthusiastic learners of Geography, and to be eager to achieve their very best in order to fulfil their full potential. We firmly believe that the recipe for success is high quality first-wave teaching which is central to the life of our school.

Our aim is that children will leave with a wide range of rich memories in Geography. These will be formed through interesting and exciting experiences that enhance a child’s awareness of their own abilities and strengths as a learner. This ensures that children see learning in Geography as an on-going process rather than a one-off event.

Aims and Objectives

For Staff:

  • To enable children to meet National Curriculum expectations.
  • To support children to develop mastery of concepts and inspire enthusiasm and interest in the subject.
  • To create opportunities for children of all ages to experience learning beyond the classroom.
  • To enable children to enrich their knowledge by visiting places they may not normally consider or places of geographical interest or conducting geographical surveys within the local area to gain relevant information that will contribute to the curriculum.

For children:

  • To increasingly use their prior knowledge to solve problems and develop the sophistication of Geography.
  • To understand how British Values are linked to Geography.
  • To develop the skills to consider human and physical geographical characteristics, gain appropriate working knowledge of locality and conduct relevant fieldwork.
  • To develop a real understanding and appreciation of the world through the curriculum.



  • We teach Geography through our carefully designed termly topics which follow a 2 year cycle. This is monitored by subject leaders and the Senior Leadership Team to ensure appropriate coverage is achieved.
  • The subject leader works the senior leadership team to evaluate provision to ensure that teaching and learning in Geography meets their expectation. Where necessary, staff will receive coaching and training in Geography.
  • We use a range of resources including: trips to relevant places of interest, innovative use of technology such as GPS mapping systems. These enable children to understand how Geography is used in the wider world including careers.
  • Success criteria are used in lessons which allow children to achieve their potential. This ensures work is demanding and matches the aims of the curriculum.
  • High quality teaching responds to the needs of children and teachers while active marking work and discussions help identify misconceptions early.

Please click on the PDF to see our Geography Subject Knowledge Roadmap:


Where can you see the impact of our Geography curriculum?

  • Photographs/videos of class activities on school website and class pages.
  • The range and progression of Geography activities now featured in our Topic planning.
  • Video footage of interviews with the children about attitudes to Geography, including discussions about environmental issues.
  • Evidence of Geographical learning in our Learning Journeys